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Sus Special

SUS SPECIAL - Azospiriullum sp, Pseudomonas sp, Fracteuria sp


SUS-SPECIAL is a microbial formulation containing strains of bacteria which are able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphate and potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non available forms of micro nutrients into available form.

  • Active Ingredients

    Azospirillum sp : (Nitrogen fixing bacteria) -5 x 10 9  CFU per
    - Pseudomonas sp (Phosphate solubilising bacteria) -5 x 10 9  CFU per
    - Frateuria sp (Potassium mobilizing bacteria) – 5 x 10 9  CFU per m

    - Total Viable count of all the biofertilizer organisms in the product (5 x 10 8  CFU/ml)/min

  • Dosage of Application

    For liquid-based: 2 liters/ acre
    - For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre
    - Seeds Treatment: Mix 100ml/ 500 gm Sus Special in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml
    jaggery syrup and treat seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade
    drying for an hour before sowing.
    - Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Sus Special spiceal in 50-liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing.
    - Nursery: Mix 1kg or 200 ml Sus Special spiceal with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre.
    - Main Field/ Soil Application: 5 kg / 2 liters of Sus Special mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure then broadcast to 1 acre of land.
    - Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 liters of Sus Special spiceal in 200-liter water and irrigate through drip for 1 acre.

  • Target Crops

    For all crops


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