SUS SPECIAL - Azospiriullum sp, Pseudomonas sp, Fracteuria sp
SUS-SPECIAL is a microbial formulation containing strains of bacteria which are able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphate and potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non available forms of micro nutrients into available form.
Active Ingredients
Azospirillum sp : (Nitrogen fixing bacteria) -5 x 10 9 CFU per
- Pseudomonas sp (Phosphate solubilising bacteria) -5 x 10 9 CFU per
- Frateuria sp (Potassium mobilizing bacteria) – 5 x 10 9 CFU per m- Total Viable count of all the biofertilizer organisms in the product (5 x 10 8 CFU/ml)/min
Dosage of Application
For liquid-based: 2 liters/ acre
- For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre
- Seeds Treatment: Mix 100ml/ 500 gm Sus Special in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml
jaggery syrup and treat seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade
drying for an hour before sowing.
- Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Sus Special spiceal in 50-liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing.
- Nursery: Mix 1kg or 200 ml Sus Special spiceal with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre.
- Main Field/ Soil Application: 5 kg / 2 liters of Sus Special mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure then broadcast to 1 acre of land.
- Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 liters of Sus Special spiceal in 200-liter water and irrigate through drip for 1 acre.Target Crops
For all crops